Why I Stopped Posting

I didn't stop writing, but I did stop posting for a few reasons. There's been much personal growth over the last half a year and am still learning to balance life in a way that has productive results.

10 children of Thyatira begin their first test of Hell. Each is promised a position in lordship upon completion of their training, but only one will be worthy of the crown. When the boy without a name crosses the threshold, the others are nowhere to be found, and he starts to realize he might not have the qualities of a leader after all.

This is my second Liebster and sunshine award combined into one post. I haven't been doing any personal stories so these awards are a way for me to share a bit about myself.

The Barbarians head out for their raid on Bullinvard while Catori struggles with an inner conflict. Is a daring escape really the right move?

Captive in a barbarian camp, Catori begins to find a sense of purpose in survival while the men of the raid conspire to set a better purpose to their acts of war.

Cade gets Catori the components she needs but are they really being used the way she promises?

Catori witnesses the horror of the Barbarian's brutality and Cade reveals the real reason he kept her alive.

Liebster Award

  Thank you so much to kkatch22 for nominating me for the Liebster Award. If you have a moment check out her blog Finding French Charming. It's a really wonderful blog! I was I bit confused as to what this award was about so I looked it up and found The Global Aussie page where... Continue Reading →

After the invasion of her village Catori is taken to the Barbarian's camp where she must face a difficult compromise in order to survive.

A Little Structure In Chaos

Night fairies walk through the garden of chaos. "Looks like the gnomes have started to set up structure here." They observe a partially built shelter. "Perhaps we should help them finish it?" "Certainly." Hours pass as they gather twigs and leaves, setting them with precision and care, even adding a few flowers here and there.... Continue Reading →

Jack’s Smoke

Jack lights a cigarette. Any goal there may have been of quitting is out the window today. He lost his girlfriend then his job within hours. Damned be Hell if he should loose his smokes too. Liv always bitched about his smoking, told him to quit. Anya, though… she said it made him look sexy.... Continue Reading →

Original character sketch of Zephaniah, Tribe of Thyatira. The Nepenthe by Harley Kallisti

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